An unforgettable day
In this blog John Keith describes the unforgettable last day of Dixie Dean’s life …..

Paul Trevillion: Illustrator Of His Idol
How a captivated three-year-old went on to illustrate the career of his hero Dixie Dean….. and receive a personal master class in the art...

Dixie: The man who scooped a host of treble chances
An insight into the great legend of football goals - Dixie Dean. John Keith reveals unprecedented facts and figures with original clippings

Doddy: Why his genius will live on …
Image from makeameme.org No, your eyes are not deceiving you ……..it really is Ken Dodd (much later Sir Ken) in a Liverpool FC strip...

Forming FreeStand Films
Creating a production company is only the start. It's the hard work behind the scenes that brings success to any project. Read how our s